Female Entrepreneurship: How Digital Business Create New Jobs and Chances

By SME Europe


On behalf of Vice President Gardini of SME Europe and Über SME Europe of the EPP welcomed Axel Voss MEP, Elisabetta Gardini MEP, Thaima Samman President of ENWL and Agata Wejman, Head of EU Public Policy & Government Relations to the second Panel Discussion on “Female Entrepreneurship: How Digital Business Create New Jobs and Chances “.

The Digital revolution is rapidly changing the world. New opportunities are always arising in areas, which are particulary viewed as traditional. The discussion was started by Dr. Heitz who oversaw the moderation of the event. Mrs. Wejman began with the interesting fact that Über was responsible for drastically increasing the statistic of 7% women participating in the taxi driving market whis is predominantly a male dominated market, to an astonishing 30%, only through the employment of their app. She explained that the reason for this was down to three major conributing factors: working flexibility, security and fantastic self employment benefits.


The second point was the need to draw attention to this issue on a political level. Mr. Voss MEP reported his work for female employees and entrepreneurs in his daily political business. He openly communicated how difficult it is to understand the future developments of this digital revolution as legislator, because it is a snow balling process with ever changing developments. As a result he calls for separate female organization to express their needs in order to be successfully part of this transformation in the 21st century.

As women in leadership Mrs. Samman expressed that obstacles and changes of this digital developments are not completely a new phenomenon and that we must transfer our knowledge and experience for equality of woman in business into this new area. We have to use this new technology as a platform to ensure more woman have the freedom to become entrepreneurs.


Dr. Heitz recognized the digital world is not neutral because as it depends on our influence to shape it. We have to employ woman for their strengths while avoiding old equalities and creating freedom of entrepreneurship. The discussion was very productive with over 15 participants.