The Role of SMEs during Slovakia´s EU Presidency: What can we expect?

By SME Europe

On 13th July 2016, SME EUROPE of the EPP hosted a Working Breakfast in the European Parliament on the Role of SMEs during Slovakia´s EU Presidency. It´s focus was on the expectations placed on this new Presidency and its agenda.


The occasion was kicked off by welcome remarks given Mr. Ivan Štefanec MEP, Vice President of SME EUROPE, followed by the honorable speech of Mr. Peter Javorcik, Ambassador of the Permanent Representative of the Slovak Republic to the EU. Afterwards Mr. Bendt Bendtsen MEP, President of SME EUROPE, gave an impulse statement, followed by the First Vice President of SME EUROPE Mr. Iuliu Winkler MEP who delivered his respective remarks. This was all rounded off by the Honorary President of SME EUROPE, Dr. Paul Rübig with a final statement. The moderation was conducted by the Executive Director of SME EUROPE, Dr. Horst Heitz, who successfully facilitated the event.


As a Slovak MEP, this particular event was of great importance to Mr. Štefanec, who suggested the planning of the event in our previous board meeting, opened the event with his welcome remarks and observations. Mr. Štefanec remarked that the new Slovak presidency of the Council of Ministers is in an extremely influential position to pursue its agenda in an SME friendly manner.28283985215_edcda3db44_k


Mr. Štefanec was followed by Mr. Javorcík, Ambassador of the Permanent Representative of the Slovak Republic to the EU. Mr. Javorcík gave a very detailed yet concise appraisal of the Slovak Presidential Agenda. He advocated the presidency’s four main priorities: Firstly, creating an economically strong Europe by focusing on initiatives which help create an appropriate environment for investment and further development of the Union. Secondly, the further development of the modern single market by promoting unifying projects such as the energy union or the digital single market. Thirdly, the production of sustainable migration and asylum policies by conversing with the other member states. Finally, taking steps to globally engage Europe by promoting an effective European neighborhood policy whilst maintaining the momentum of the accession process. Mr. Javorcík explained that it is also crucial that these priorities be carried out be following three principles set down by the Slovak presidency: achieving tangible results, overcoming fragmentation by connecting the member states tightly with the single market, and most importantly, focusing on the citizen by restoring their belief in the European project.


Mr. Bendtsen then took the floor and presented SME EUROPE, its aims and targets in the current climate, as well as the future of SME EUROPE which is expecting further growth over the years to come. As President of SME EUROPE, he thanked his Excellency the Slovak ambassador for his input and acknowledged that this new agenda quite clearly has SMEs at its heart when it comes to social and economic matters.28205518181_3382fc9663_k


Mr. Winkler gave his observations and addressed the matter of BREXIT whilst commending the anti-fragmentary plans of this new Slovak presidency. He stated that only through an integrated Europe, integrated and without separation could SMEs thrive and collectively vastly boost the European economy.


Dr. Rübig as Honorary chairman of SME EUROPE, wrapped up the Working Breakfast by placing his confidence in the Slovak Presidency and its Agenda. He called for such events to be held by SME EUROPE at the beginning of each new Council Presidency.

The publication of this document received financial support from the European Parliament. Sole liability rests with the author. The European Parliament is not responsible for any use that may be made of the information contained therein.