SME Europe Board elected

By SME Europe

17 October 2012 – The SME Europe board has been elected, following the SME Europe General Assembly in Bucharest.

  • President: MEP Nadezhda NEYNSKY
  • Vice-President: MEP Bendt BENDTSEN
  • Vice-President: Christos FOLIAS
  • Vice-President: Peter OLAJOS
  • Vice-President: Jerzy SAMBORSKI
  • Vice-President: MEP Iuliu WINKLER
  • Vice-President: MEP Mario MAURO

The acceptance and anchorage of SME Europe in the political decision-making was demonstrated by the fact that the Vice-President of the European Commission, Antonio TAJANI, as well as his colleague, Commissoner Dr. Johannes HAHN accepted being Honorary Members of the organisation.

SME Europe is willing to grow in terms of new member organisations. Hence, we encourage you sending us membership applications stating that your domestic pro-business organisation is willing to join SME Europe. We will then contact you regarding all further formalities.

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