Press Release: A Fresh look for SME EUROPE of the EPP

By SME Europe

A Fresh look for SME EUROPE of the EPP

SME Europe of the EPP is proud to unveil a fresh look in the form of an updated and redesigned website and new logo.

The new redesigned website gives viewers a fresh look into the conducted operations of the SME Europe team. We are delighted to incorporate our newest Board Members and new working groups into our organizational framework. To facilitate viewer’s orientation the new page will also provide biographical information of the board members and working group chairs. The new website will undoubtedly increase stronger cooperation and results in our already dynamic working groups whilst donating a tighter sense of unity throughout the organization as a whole.

The new SME Europe logo shows our cooperation with the EPP (European People´s Party). The new logo will now feature on all SME Europe documents and merchandise, and paves the way for creating a greater chance of success for SMEs in today´s vibrant European Economy, with the help and cooperation of such groups as the EPP.

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